Torture Victims Legal Fund WebsiteEastern Nigerian Torture Victim Legal Protection Fund Website, raising money to stop torturing and victimizing people in eastern part of Nigeria. Torture as we all know, is an act of inflecting of severe pain to extract an information from somebody by force. As a result, that person, who is the victim surfer severe physical or mental pain eventually, leading to the victim's death. Today as we speak there are thousands of torture victims in Eastern Nigeria in West Africa, the citizens of this geographical area which is also called south east or south south part of that country Nigeria has been suffering torture for over some decades till now...The Ekwe Nche Organization in its sturdy and finding indicate that there has been a significant increase or gross indication that many people in Eastern part of Nigeria are currently been tortured, and since the victims have no say, or have anybody to represent them legally, and some individuals those who might want to legally provide help or protection for them are scared, afraid to talk and cannot do anything for fear of repercussion from the victimizer and its agent. The victimizers are doing this torture with impunity, and cannot question their agents about torture and killings of their citizens, hence Eastern Nigeria Torture Victims Legal Fund website came into being, torturevictimslegalfund.website was established to help the helpless tortured victims and to be the voice for the voiceless of thousands of tortured victims in Eastern Nigeria. We are all in it together seeking justice to help torture victims through the help of Fein and Delvalle PLLC a Washington Based Law Firm, in Washington DC. USA. TortureVictimsLegalFund.Website/torturevictimslegalfund.website is simply helping Eastern Nigeria tortured victims to legaly find protection. This website main objective is to enlighten concerned world citizens and everybody about injustice and torture which is an ongoing in Eastern Region of the country called Nigeria. Even though some Nigerians may denial it, or try to do some cover up about it, we knew that it is true. However, you must understand that torture is torture. Victims’ voice must be heard and the victims deserve legal representation. Since they have no money to hire someone to represent them torturevictimslegalfund.website can help the victims through your free will contribution. We strongly encourage all of us who are out there, who are not supporter of torture and terror to support us as you can, because one cannot underestimate what a small group of thoughtful and concerned citizens can achieve when they help to stop torture, including unnecessary killing of people in Eastern Nigeria cities like Onicha, Igweocha, Aba and many other places. Please be counted, make your contribution at http://torturevictimslegalfund.website Please choose your level of donatios below and help us as you can. May God Bless You. |
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